Microfinance Financial Reporting Standards - Ratios

Date Range

Ratio no. Term Value Formula Calculation notes Use
R1 Portfolio yield 0% Interest, fees, and commissions in loan portfolio/ Average gross loan portfolio MFRS assumes that accrued interestreceivable is backed out or reversed if not received.

As the ratio is calculated using averaging, it eliminates the effect of seasonal highs and lows.
Indicates the MFI’s ability to generate cash from interest, fees, and commissions in the average gross loan portfolio. A decreasing trend means lower earnings in the portfolio, either from a change in product pricing, product portfolio composition, or foregone revenue due to rising arrears.
R6 Impairment expense ratio 0% Impairment expense/ Average gross loan portfolio This ratio can also be measured as a proportion of NPL30 with NPL30 in the denominator. Measures the impairment expense as a proportion of the average gross portfolio, which represents the cost of credit-related losses or write-offs in the portfolio. Changes in this ratio may be due to changes in delinquency or to provisioning policies.
R7 Operating expense ratio 5,889.96% Operating expense/ Average gross loan portfolio Measures the administrative and overhead costs incurred to deliver loans. Declining trend, while a sign of an MFI’s improving efficiency, may also reflect a rising average loan size.