Profit / LossHelp

Date Range

Profit / Loss Statement USh
Operating Profit (P)
Loan Repayments 8.77
Dividends 76,536,323.00
Membership Fee 54,654,636,565.00
Operating Expenses (E)
Payroll 433.00
Advertising and Promotion 45,332.00
Auto Expenses 555.00
Gross Profit (G) = P - E -46,311.23
Other Expense (O)
Savings Interest 45,656.00
Default Loans * 0
Net Income (N) = G - O -91,967.23

Default Loans * is loans(principal amount - repayments made) that have been marked as default.

Please note that savings deposit has not been included since that is a liability and you have to pay this back to borrowers.

Net Income

Operating Profit / Operating Expenses

Other Expenses